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A New Approach to World Peace... so simple, it just might work! A New Approach to World Peace... so simple, it just might work!
Learn About Friends Without Borders
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You Can Help!
FWB inspires Aman ki Asha! - a web portal for online connections ... coming soon!
Watch the incredibly inspiring FWB videos online!
The World's Largest Love Letter
India Today magazine The press goes wild across India and Pakistan!
Prime Minister Singh thanks kids and FWB
Dil se DilA massive concert on the India-Pakistan border?
Volunteer paints flags on Pakistani boy's face


There are many ways to help with the Friends Without Borders campaign.

If you would like to spend some time in India or Pakistan working with us, please contact us.

You can also:

1. Encourage as many schools as possible to participate - especially your own.
  2. Get all your friends and family involved - have them ask their schools.
  3. Get the word out in the media about this new approach to peace!
  4. Let us know how you may be able to help us!
  hearts It may be long before the law of love will be recognised in international affairs. The machineries of government stand between and hide the hearts of one people from those of another. -- M.K. Gandhi