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Bishop Cotton Boy's School

Dear Friend,

I don't know who you are. I don't know how you look. I don't know if you are a boy or a girl. I don't know how you feel. I don't eve know your fist name. I don't know which part Pakistan you live in. I don't even know if you can understand me. But, I do know one thing and that is that you too are one of many youth of Pakistan, who have hope, are open-minded and are interested in building friendships with us Indian youths. Your hope of friendship and a better tomorrow is what unties us both. I come with an open heart and an open mind.

My name is Nishok David and I am 16 years old. I live in Bangalore —a big city in South India . My native place is a small town near the southern most tip of India . I come from a simple, middle-class family. My family includes my father, mother, two brothers (Nitin and Nimit) and myself. I study in class eleven in Bishop Cotton Boys School .

I have always believed in peace. I believe that no matter how deep hatred may linger, love will prevail over it. Our forefathers may have had this misconception that an Indian and a Pakistani cannot get along. This may have been the result of the commotion created by anti-social elements at North border of India . Due to this, they may never have even given friendship a chance. That was in the past. Now, we are in the 21 st century. The youth of today are not like the youth of before. We are the future of our countries.

The youth of today are a motivated lot, who will not leave any stone unturned in their quest for justice, world peace, and friendship. The youth of a country can change the whole outlook of that country. The youth wield the power.

The youth of today represent a new beginning, a new generation of open minded people who believe that nothing is impossible. I too, am part of this generation which believes that anything is possible if we are focused on it. Friendship is possible—even between an Indian and a Pakistani. We only need to give it a chance. We have the chance to make a new start, to erase the wrongs of our forefathers. We have an opportunity to set things right.

I believe in giving second chances and now that we are both given a chance to reconcile our differences, I believe that we should make the most of it. I have always wanted peace between our countries. This letter is a dream-come-true of mine and I would really appreciate it if we could be friends, forget our differences and look forward to a day when both our countries are really at peace (and no one bears any grudge.) Give friendship a chance and I'm sure it will work wonders for us. I'm ready to give it a shot, how about you? Friendship and love can bridge all that gaps and potholes in the road to peace.

…goes on for a few more pages…

I really want to be your friend. We have been given a chance; let's use it. I hope to hear from you soon. I will eagerly be waiting for your reply.

Yours affectionately,



  hearts It may be long before the law of love will be recognised in international affairs. The machineries of government stand between and hide the hearts of one people from those of another. -- M.K. Gandhi