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Govt. Model Senior Secondary School
Sector – 21A Chandigarh

Hello friends!

We the people of India are very lucky, that we have got the opportunity to send our views to you so that we could make our nations a better place for you and for me and for everyone. Friends this is the only way we could talk to each other and make our relations good. It's not our fault that we are separate today, but it's fault of our bad time that has ruined our lifes. When we were born we didn't know whether we are Hindu or Muslim. God has made everyone equal without any discrimination in caste and creed. So, friends it's our duty to be one and improve the conditions our nations. We are the coming future of our nations, who have to build a good destiny and to remove all these barriers between us today. It's not necessary that what our ancestors have done we should also do the same. So lets come forward and walk together, so that we can proof ourselves to be of some importance for our nation.

Thankyou. So think it over and please reply over it. Express your views also. Have a nice future.

Mehak Aggarwal


  hearts It may be long before the law of love will be recognised in international affairs. The machineries of government stand between and hide the hearts of one people from those of another. -- M.K. Gandhi