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St. Andrew's High School

Dear friend,

Hi, I am Chintan Dabhi of St. Andrew's High School. I am studying in standard VIII and I am an Indian. I am interested in playing, singing, and dancing.

My favourite game is football. My taste of tongue is having Punjabi dishes and Chinese. My hobbies are collecting pictures of actors and actress. And to chat on the computer. There are four family members in my house. They are my mama she is very best in cooking and she is very pretty. My daddy he is very smart looking and disciplined. My brother he is younger than me, we fight too much, but we cannot stay far from each other. I am very fond of hearing songs and making friends without making differences between Hinuds and Muslims. I am on Gujarati but, I have many of my friends they are muslims. We all like to entertain each other and we go to picnic places like waterparks and hillstations like Mahabaleshwar, Mathera, etc. We are truing to make you a friend because you are in our neighborhood country and we must come together and be one because we can fight our differences and problems if there is unity among because ‘unity is strength' and loyalty is very important for true friendship to flourish. We should remember the proverb ‘united we stand, divided we fall' and continue our friendship without any disturbance and misunderstanding in each other.

I hope you will come here and join me in my life and be best friends. If you come here we will go to different places like Kandala, Rajasthan, and different varieties of gardens. My mama will serve for us delicious dishes and we will have fun. You can join my school and express our feeling of true friendship to others. I hope you will come as fast as possible and make good moments in life and remember them till our friendship can last. I feel from the bottom of my heart that you should come to India as soon as possible and enjoy your life because a ‘friend in need is a friend indeed'.

Thanking you,

Your loving friend,

VIII Standard



  hearts It may be long before the law of love will be recognised in international affairs. The machineries of government stand between and hide the hearts of one people from those of another. -- M.K. Gandhi