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VII, Sri Kumararn Children's School

My dear friend,

It is a very pleasant and a warm feeling to write you this letter. I read the following poem today and thought of you immediately.

‘We share the common land of age
With its great culture and heritage
Why this anger and hate?
Peace and harmony shall we have mate?'

Yes, we were together in a big, powerful country before Britishers divided us into India and Pakistan in 1947. We had three major wars between us with no gains to either of us. The feeling of hatred has been deep rooted in our minds and actions.

If I look back as to what we both have lost, I feel really sorry. Very ferocious human life and valuable money have been lost in wars. These could have been used for the development of our countries. Being unties we could have processed and prospered well.

Well, past is past. We, the children of both countries shall shape our future. Let's think of bright days ahead for both of us as citizens of peaceful countries. I just thought what would happen if we both were united.

  • There shall be no line of control between India and Pakistan and we shall name our country as ‘Great Indo-Pak Union (GIPU).
  • There will be a good system of transport ‘The Golden Quadrangle' linking all major cities.
  • The Indo-Pak Space Research Organization (IPSRO) will be planning the launch of our satellite IPSAT from Karachi the next space spot after Shriharikota.
  • The world cup cricket 2011 will be hosted by GIPU, the Great Indo-Pak Union.
  • In the Olympic games of 2016 to be held in New Delhi , GIPU would bag highest number of medals
  • GIPU will develop into a land o great importance in the Asian subcontinent. It's status would be at par with any developed country.

Making above into reality is not difficult if we start friendly relationships with each other. First let's pledge to forget the past and to look at the future with hope. Let our strength grow with each passing day. One fine day let's make the Great Indo-Pak Union' a reality.

With Love,



  hearts It may be long before the law of love will be recognised in international affairs. The machineries of government stand between and hide the hearts of one people from those of another. -- M.K. Gandhi