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Afghanistan: Why Not Love?

For years, the people of Afghanistan have been caught in the crossfires of global conflict. For years, Afghan people have suffered extraordinary loss and hardship. In the face of all this adversity, these same people are rising above, with tremendous heart and courage, to ask a profound question: Why Not Love?

Friends Without Borders is shifting its focus to Afghanistan, partnering with the extraordinary Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers along with a host of other organizations including the Fellowship of Reconciliation to help transform the situation in Afghanistan from conflict to Love.

Our first joint campaign, in honor of the UN International Peace Day, connected the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers to people from all around the world. These Skype calls took place over a continuous 24-hour period. Bridging hearts is the first step.

The next effort followed only days later, as the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers spelled the words "Why Not Love" boldly on an Aghan mountainside with large sheets of cloth, painted with the word "Peace" in 44 languages.

With a group like this spearheading a love-based movement, why not join them in helping to transform their situation? If you or your organization is interested in working together for positive change in Afghanistan, and to create a global friendship network, please contact us: bethechange {at} gmail-dot-com

Really. Why not love? :)

  hearts It may be long before the law of love will be recognised in international affairs. The machineries of government stand between and hide the hearts of one people from those of another. -- M.K. Gandhi